Feng Shui of Elephant Figurines: Perfect Placement for Your Home

Elephant Figurines

Elephants have long been cherished as symbols of good luck and prosperity in various cultures. Many people choose to adorn their homes with elephant figurines due to their positive symbolism and Feng Shui attributes. In this blog, we will explore the profound meanings and Feng Shui implications of elephants and guide you on the ideal placement of these charming figurines in your home.

The Symbolism and Feng Shui of Elephants:

  1. Auspiciousness, Good Wishes, and Peace: In traditional Chinese culture, the character “象” (xiàng), meaning elephant, sounds similar to the character “祥” (xiáng), representing good fortune and auspiciousness. As a result, elephants are associated with bringing good wishes and peace. Many people place elephant figurines in front of their homes, seeking harmony and protection from negative energies. Furthermore, these gentle creatures are believed to bring blessings of good luck and prosperity.
  2. Wealth Attraction and Accumulation: From a Feng Shui perspective, elephants’ ability to use their trunks to draw and store water associates them with wealth attraction and accumulation. Water symbolizes wealth in Feng Shui, making the elephant a powerful talisman for prosperity. Placing elephant figurines by windows facing the sea, a pool, or a water feature, or even in the wealth corner of your home, can enhance your financial luck.
  3. Support from Noble Figures: Elephants are commonly found in the entrances of large companies, often positioned in pairs on both sides of the entrance. This placement signifies not only wealth attraction but also the presence of noble figures, suggesting support from influential people. In office spaces, placing a pair of elephants may also symbolize receiving guidance from mentors or superiors, leading to career advancements and recognition.
  4. Enhancing Career and Official Positions: In offices and workspaces, elephants are frequently displayed on desks, particularly in the “Yima” position (the seat of the position). This placement is believed to reduce work-related stress, boost performance, and foster career advancement.
  5. Resolving Lack of Support: Traditionally, Feng Shui emphasizes having support from a mountain or hill behind your home, creating a favorable living environment. However, modern urban dwellings often lack this essential feature. Placing elephant figurines in your home can act as a symbolic representation of the support you may be missing.
  6. Boosting Family Harmony and Prosperity: With their imposing yet gentle presence, elephants have a reputation for heralding blessings and prosperity. Placing elephant figurines in the living room or wealth corner of your home can benefit your entire family, promoting unity and financial abundance.
  7. Dispelling Negative Energy: Elephants can also help neutralize harmful energies, particularly if placed strategically. Placing an elephant figurine with its trunk facing downward near a window or door can help absorb negative energy and create a more harmonious atmosphere.

Ideal Placement for Elephant Figurines:

  1. Wealth Corner in the Living Room: The living room is an ideal place for displaying elephant figurines, especially in the wealth corner. The wealth corner is traditionally located in the far-left corner of the room from the entrance. Placing the elephants here can invite prosperity and good fortune into your home.
  2. Beside the Sofa or Coffee Table: Positioning the elephants beside the sofa or coffee table in the living room can create a sense of stability and support for your family. It symbolizes that you have solid backing in all your endeavors, bringing about smooth and successful outcomes.
  3. Near Water Features or Windows: To enhance the wealth-attracting aspect of elephants, place them near water features, such as fountains or aquariums. If you don’t have any water features, positioning them close to windows facing water bodies outside can also be effective.
  4. Office Desk or Study: For those seeking career advancement and guidance from mentors, placing elephant figurines on the office desk or study table can be beneficial. It can attract influential supporters and pave the way for professional growth.
  5. Avoid Direct Alignment with Doors and Windows: Be mindful not to directly align the elephants with doors and windows, as this might disperse the gathered wealth and positive energy. Instead, place them at a slight angle to encourage the flow of positive energy while preventing any beneficial energy from escaping.
  6. Avoid Placing with Sharp Objects: As elephants symbolize harmony and prosperity, avoid placing them alongside sharp objects like knives or swords. Such combinations can create conflicting energies and reduce the positive effects of the elephants.


Elephant figurines hold deep symbolism and possess remarkable Feng Shui properties that can attract positive energies and prosperity to your home. With their gentle yet commanding presence, they symbolize not only good fortune but also harmony, support, and success in various aspects of life. By thoughtfully placing these majestic creatures in your living space, you can harness their auspicious energy and enjoy a more harmonious and prosperous life.

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